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Europe's oldest shoe was found in a cave in Spain

The shoe is estimated to be six thousand years old. It is said that the low humidity and cold wind prevented the shoes from getting damaged.

Researchers have discovered Europe's oldest single shoe. According to the BBC, the shoes found in the cave in Spain; They are estimated to be six thousand years old. The shoes are said to be among the many ancient artifacts found in the Bat Cave; Research has identified that they were taken by the miners in the 19th century.

It is said that the low humidity and cold winds in the cave kept the shoes protected and did not deteriorate. The soles of the shoes differed in their construction and used different types of grass, researchers said. But he said other materials like leather were also used to make the shoes.

They are said to have been built in the New Stone Age (Neolithic Age). They are older than the 5,500-year-old leather shoe found in an Armenian cave in 2008. The researchers said the cave was first used in 1831 by a landowner to produce compost.

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