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What happens to Addis Ababa district workers who don't pass the upcoming government exam?

The government of Addis Ababa is planning to conduct a qualification test for all its employees, including work process leaders in institutions that have undergone new structural reforms. The competency assessment test will be conducted for various offices, including the Housing Development Management Office, Public Service, and Human Resource Development Office, Work Enterprise Industry Development Office, Building Permit and Inspection Office, Cooperative Office, and Land Development Management Office. Sub-cities and city administration structures will evaluate the competence of the employees. Only employees who pass the qualification test will be assigned to newly structured positions, based on their performance. The passing score for the test is 50% for workers and professionals, and 60% for work process leaders. The employees who do not pass the test have two options.

They can undergo a short training session and retake the test one last time before the assignment. Alternatively, they can be transferred to another institution according to their educational preparation and salary, or given permanent establishment support and let go from their current position. Other executive institutions of the city administration will also give the qualification test to their employees after completing their structural study. All employees will sit for the exam until January. Those who could not pass the test, especially those who were leaders of the work process, would be demoted from their positions and the workers who continued in the institution without passing results would not get the salary increase or promotion given to the workers who passed the results.

Before the eligibility assessment, it was mentioned that workers who have reached the age of retirement will have their voluntary pension rights respected.

Following the competency assessment test, it was also pointed out that the district offices may have more manpower than the city administration offices and the district offices.

Regarding the qualification assessment, a new written test that focuses on seven moral and seven technical qualifications will be used to compete for the positions they have applied for.

An anonymous expert in Kolfe Karanio District 06 revealed that a committee has been formed to administer a competency assessment test. Discussions have taken place between the human resources department and workers in some districts. The objective is to reduce the number of workers, improve the quality of work, and enhance the lives of workers. During the discussions, workers raised various questions and expressed concerns that those who fail the test twice may be fired. Another source, an existing worker and professional in the Bole sub-district, stated that the sub-district leaders have not held any discussions with workers. This lack of communication has created a serious threat to the worker's job security. The worker expressed concern about their lack of knowledge in how to prepare for the test since they come from various educational backgrounds. It has been suggested that the exam will be prepared by universities with experience in administering it.

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